Worshipful Master, Lodge Concord No. 134, Grand East of Netherlands

Lodge Concord No. 134 organized the yearly Opening of the Rotterdam Masonic Lodges for the year 2024 – 2025. It was a year of preparation that started with organizing a sub-committee for various tasks, such as booking the venue and planning, invitations and programme, and the organizing of the team and ritual. During the preparation phase we had meetings with the committee and the reigning Worshipful Masters of the Rotterdam Lodges. It was the first time the English Emulation ritual was used in this yearly traditional Opening of the Rotterdam Masonic Lodges Work Year, with a touch of the Dutch Masonic tradition. I was fortunate that our Lodge organized it, and I had an opportunity to sit in the East with the reigning Worshipful Masters of the Rotterdam Lodges that were parte of the team of officers for the ceremony.
The Opening of the Masonic Work Year took place in Arminius Church in Rotterdam last September 7th, 2024. The Church was built in 1895-1897 by Remonstrant congregations in the centre of Rotterdam and has been designated as a national landmark.
The ceremony started at around 7 P.M., with almost ninety Brethren in attendance. The Presiding Master entered the procession accompanied by the Wardens and Deacons. The opening ode was sung with the violin accompaniment played by Brother Eduardo Diez Garcia. I as the Presiding Master opened the Lodge in due form and welcomed the Brethren. The Grand Inquisitor, Very Worshipful Brother Cees van Os of the Grand East of the Netherlands, representing our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Leonard Jonkers, graced the ceremony with his presence. During the ceremony, the Secretary called on Rotterdam Lodges, and the respective reigning Masters were invited to testify their regular Warrants in order.
Worshipful Brethren Anne Brouwer and Robert Hall explained the presentation of the 1st Degree Tracing Board in narrative form, including the Sections IV-VII of the First Emulation Lectures, with understanding and fidelity. The Brethren were also presented each an A5 postcard type of the Tracing Board which had the text of Opening and Closing Ode printed on the other side.
The Brother Chain was formed, in which as the Presiding Master of the ceremony I encouraged the Brethren to work together, stand united as Rotterdam Lodges and visit each other’s Lodges to form a bond of unity. Thereafter the song „Lasst uns mit geschlung’nen Händen” was sung.
At the first rising Very Worshipful Brother Cees van Os was saluted with Seven, and congratulated the Worshipful Master, the Brethren on the labour and wished a good Masonic Work Year. The Lodge closed at 9 P.M. The closing Ode was sung. The outgoing procession was accompanied by the „Gavotte” of Bach’s Partita for Violin No.3.
In the anteroom, I as the Presiding Master thanked all who had worked and participated to make the meeting a success. The event was followed by refreshments, with snacks in the bar.
The ceremony was a solemn and meaningful tradition for the Rotterdam Lodges. It never fails to bring a feeling of unity and bonding among the Brethren.