Peter Rasmussen was the first Grand Master of the American Canadian Grand Lodge in Germany.
The lodge of which I am a member, Alt Heidelberg Fidelitas No. 821, has an honorary duty to tend the grave of Brother Pete, as he was called in his day. The Peter M. Rasmussen lodge No. 916, from Worms, has joined in this noble cause.
Peter Rasmussen left all his life’s work to the Grand Lodge of which he was the first Grand Master in 1962 – the American Canadian Grand Lodge. His wife, Johanna, whom he married in 1955, had passed away and, as in most cases, you bequeath to your loved ones all that you have achieved in life. Along with his family, Freemasonry had been Peter Rasmussen’s life. The Alt Heidelberg Lodge was his home, literally.

On the southern Danish island of Long Island, a son was born to a Danish merchant named Rasmus Jergensen and his wife Emily (Baker).
It was Peter Marius Rasmussen, born on 3 June 1894.
When Peter was 9 years old, his father sold his business, moved the family to Copenhagen and went to sea like a real Dane. He was a fireman on the ‘SS United States’ and did not return home frequently, so that Peter’s family did not see him very often. Peter went to school until he was 14 and then went to work for his uncle on his island farm. His real ambition was to become a teacher. Surrounded by salt water, the sea-god Neptune got into his system and like his father, Peter went to sea at the age of 16. Working on a sailing ship as a deckhand, he started his journey on the high seas.

The first adventure took him to Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany on a round trip. At the age of 18 he joined the Danish Army. He was really hoping to join the Marines, but this did not materialize and he stayed in the Infantry. After his military stint, he went back to sea, going farther out, until he came to the shores of the United States at Savannah, Georgia. But he did this not of his own volition, as he required an appendectomy. Still very young and craving adventure, Peter took on the job of Quartermaster on a fourmaster, and his dream of becoming a Marine came true in part, for aboard ship were Sailors and Marines as gunners and guards.
During this period Peter’s mother moved to Oconomowoe, Wisconsin, where he joined her. Here Peter gained new and varied experience and even took a hitch in the Army as a draftee at Chicicath, Ohio. On 5 December, 1918 five days after the end of WW I, Peter was released from the military service and went straight to New York where he became the helmsman on a trawler, steering course for newer and greater adventure. But he never forgot his mother and visited her often. After some time hired on a United States Mail ship and traveled to England, Ireland, Germany and back to the U.S. Whenever his ship was in drydock he would join his mother, who had sold their farm in Wisconsin and moved to Wheaton, Ill.
At the age of 30 he was washed ashore and turned landlubber. Between June and October of 1925, Peter became a Freemason and was Initiated, Passed and Raised in Wheaton Lodge No. 269, Wheaton Illinois. He also joined the Royal Arch Chapter in his adopted home and became Master of his own lodge. In 1944 he received an appointment in the Navy Department in Brooklyn, New York, where he also became a 32 Mason in the Brooklyn Consistory, ASSR.
Bro. Peter came to Heidelberg in 1946 and held a position in the EUCOM Signal Center. Later he worked for Deutsche Post in Heidelberg. After 1956, Bro. Pete decided to devote his life to give Americans in Germany Free Masonry and stayed in Heidelberg.
This finally came true in 1962, when he became the first Grand Master of the American Canadian Grand Lodge under the United Grand Lodges of Germany. Since that time, Bro. Pete worked incessantly for Freemasonry.
Bro. Pete now lives a quiet and humble life with his wife Johanna, whom he married in 1955. Living with them is their cat Moile. (excerpt from the laudatio in his honour, on table lodge, on his 75th birthday, June 3 1969, Heidelberg)

Brother Peter M. Rasmussen, small of stature, fair of complexion, rosy-cheeked, smiley-eyed behind gold-rimmed glasses, benign, was gentle of manner and voice, humble, dignified, ever ready to assist and advise, and totally overworked.
He had been known to attend two Installations in one day, and often, when summoned to attend Grand Lodge, would show up to give a talk or to help a Lodge get on its feet after the Grand Lodge business had been concluded. The ladies adored him, and he would attend every Eastern Star Chapter in the land. Ever calm and always smiling, he would organize weekend meetings of the concordant chapters and at the same time take care of the problems of the blue lodge Masters who were attending. (excerpt from “In the Beginning” originally published in TACT Vol.1, No.1, in July 1966, Condensed March 1980 by ACGL and “Reflections of a Founder Member” written by Eric A. Ince PPDGM/PPJGW; published by the ACGL February 1982)
Peter Rasmussen – Masonic Records (excerpts)
1925- Initiated, Passed and raised in Wheaton Lodge No. 269, AF&AM, Wheaton Illinois. Served as WM 1932. WM of Stuttgart-American Lodge, U.D., Grand Lodge of Connecticut for seven years, 1947-54. Elected District Deputy Grand Master American Canadian Group, 1955-62. First Provincial Grand Master American Canadian Provincial Grand Lodge 1962, Grand Treasurer 1965-69, Grand Treasurer Emeritus 1969. Holds Life membership in Alt Heidelberg Lodge, No. 821, and many other lodges in Europe and USA.
1926- Exalted a Royal Arch Mason, Wheaton Chapter, No. 242, Wheaton, Illinois. Served as Excellent High Priest 1933. Charter member Heidelberg Chapter No.4, RAM of Germany 1956. Elected Most Excellent Grand High Priest RAM of Germany 1958-60.
1927- Greeted as Royal and Select Master, Oak Park Council,No.93, Oak Park, Illinois. 1956 affiliated with Heidelberg Council No.2 as a charter member and with Europe Council No.5, R&SM of Germany. Served the latter as Illustrious Master 1960. Elected Most Illustrious Grand Master R&SM of Germany 1961.
1956- Knighted in the first class of Heidelberg Commandery No.2 Knight Templars of USA. Eminent Commander, 1963-64.
1965-69- Secretary-Recorder Heidelberg York Rite Bodies in Germany.
1969- Elected to York Cross of Honor.
1944- Received the fourth to thirty-second degrees, Brooklyn Consistory (New York), Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite.
1954- Crossed the hot sands of the desert in Heidelberg under sponsorship of Aahmes Temple. 1964-69 Orator, European Shrine Club. Life Member Heidelberg Shrine Oasis.
1947-Assisted in organizing and first elected Honorary member, Heidelberg Chapter No. 304, National Sojourners.
1928- Welcomed to membership in Wheaton Chapter No.506, Order of the Eastern Star, Wheaton Illinois. 1952 joined Peace Chapter No.2 Stuttgart, Worthy Patron 1953-54. Life member Heidelberg Chapter No.3,OES.
1954- Organized Job`s Daughters Bethal No.1, Stuttgart.
1967- Elected Honorary Senior DeMolay
Bro. Pete enjoyed membership, life or honorary, in almost every Masonic Body in Germany, elsewhere in Europe and the USA.
A complete list would require much more space than is available.
Suffice to say, he holds a unique place in all our hearts.
(from “Mr Mason in Germany”, June 3, 1969)
Deputy Grand Master: HORST VOLKHARDT
Senior Grand Warden: JOHN WADDEL
Junior Grand Warden: ERIC A. INCE
Grand Treasurer: KERMIT PURCELL
Grand Secretary: WILLIAM E. SMITH
Many thanks for providing documents to Brethren: RĂZVAN BILDEA, KENT CROTTY and WARD WILLIAMSON