Founder & Director, MASONIC FORUM Magazine

The Masonic Forum Magazine has reached issue No. 64, a perfect square number, which is also the order number of the Forum Lodge in the NGLR register. I was the first WM of Forum almost 25 years ago and, together with my brethren, created and launched this magazine which is now in the most important Masonic libraries around the world. Obviously, the magazine took the name of my lodge, a name that needs no translation.
I would like to mention some names of brethren who have made available, at the beginning, their company premises, or their money, or their know-how for the Masonic Forum: Alecsandru Hociotă, Mihai Gîrjabu, Traian Petrescu, Sorin Grigorescu and others. I thank them once again!
I must thank Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici, in my opinion the most intelligent and visionary Grand Master that NGLR has had, at least since 1997, when I was initiated. Eugen has externally endorsed both me as a Mason and the Masonic Forum Magazine as an image vector for Regular Freemasonry.
I thank my brother, Gabriel Șutac, PM of Forum, for the initiative to celebrate the perfect square number – 64. I thank Andrei Merchea, the current WM of Forum Lodge 64, who sent us an excellent, heart-written article.
In conclusion, of the many occasions on which the Masonic Forum has opened doors internationally, I will mention just one example: at the meeting preceding my taking the oath as a member of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, at the so-called inquiry meeting, it was the international work of the Masonic Forum Magazine that gave me the go-ahead to obtain the unanimous ballot of my brethren from Hope of Kurrachee Research Lodge No. 337.
Your esteem and good thoughts motivate me to keep going!