Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council for Azerbaijan
Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Washington DC
Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan
My dear Brethren of National Grand Lodge of Romania, I feel such a pleasure and honor to be able to talk to you after all these years, via this message. This year has been an unusual year and the Corona pandemic has changed all our lives. Our Lodges could not meet in person and all our activities has been through virtual Zoom facility. But Faith, Brotherly Love and hope has carried us forward and has kept us strong.
As a founder of the National Grand Lodge of Romania and its Supreme Council, I have always been very attached to my Brethren and the Masonic Fraternity in Romania and if there has been any problem about its situation, it has concerned me deeply. The recent problems within your Grand Lodge and Supreme Council was a great concern for the regular and recognized Freemasonry in Europe and US and in particular for me.
The National Grand Lodge of Romania was established with great efforts and contribution by many old and young brethren inside and outside Romania in the starting years of the nineties. I remember many nights that I spent in the humble house of MWB Nicu PFilip, (God bless his soul), and with many original Brethren during the day to make sure that the Masonic Fraternity in Romania was based on very strong foundations. My Brethren, your Fraternity in Romania is a precious gift and you should preserve it with your love for each other and unity without any personal interest and profane elements. Always following the constitution of your institution and the rules and ancient landmarks of Freemasonry. God Bless you and your Freemasonry in Romania and may you progress for ever more.