Grand Master, American Canadian Grand Lodge



Microsoft Word - Paul Litteral GM pic 2012.docI’m very impressed by your magazine, I always have been impressed by the Masonic Forum, it gives us the opportunity, not only here in Romania, but all over Europe, your magazine is well liked and well read.

As a matter of fact, after reading your magazine for a number of years, when we celebrated our fiftieth anniversary just this year, I could have thought of no better person to edit the magazine for us, I could have thought of no better magazine to have – and you did a wonderful job and your put together not only our Masonic – I call it our Masonic Forum because we all read it – you put together a wonderful fiftieth anniversary for my Grand Lodge. Masonic Forum is, to my knowledge, one of the most read Masonic magazines here in Europe, especially in my Jurisdiction.

There have been articles about the Shrine there and the Shrine temple is new in Germany and we have very many Shriners who are also members of my jurisdiction and they all read your magazine and there is information that they get out of it that they don’t get anywhere else. We’d like to congratulate you on your upcoming fiftieth issue and I look forward to another thirteen years reading your magazine, if not more…