Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Luxembourg
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite for Luxembourg
My dear Brother Claudiu Ionescu,

I met Tom Jackson for the first time in Italy at the official meeting of the Grande Oriente d’Italia (GOI) and at the meeting of The Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique.
We became friends forever.
This was in the time of the falling of the Wall in Berlin and the constitution of Regular Grand Lodges in all the former communist countries, where we often met. Our discussions were always about Freemasonry and the manner in which Free Masonry constituted itself in all these countries.
Tom had vast Masonic knowledge and I learned a lot from him. I even had the pleasure of inviting him once at the Grande Loge de Luxembourg. Tom has been a Brother, a Friend and a Companion.
Recently I had lost contact with him and was trying to reconnect. I had a very bad feeling. The mail from the GOI some days ago confirmed my feeling. Tom went to the Eternal Orient.

International Free Masonry has lost a great Brother.
International Free Masonry will keep a great memory of him.