Past Grand Master 2016-2018, Grand Lodge of New York
Chair, Correspondence and Relations Committee GLNY
Past Board Member, World Conference Regular Grand Masters
Past General Chair, Conference of Grand Masters of North America

It has been said in our ritual that “Truth is a Divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue”. The young pilgrim who seeks “Truth” within the shifting international Masonic landscape will quickly become “bogged down” in his labors as he is confronted by a cacophony of diverse opinions and rhetoric presented by certain jurisdictions and entities; each promoting their own agendas.
As a young “pilgrim” I too was tested in my quest for “Truth” and Right Worshipful Thomas W. Jackson rose to the occasion in many instances to point the way and show the real “Truth” surrounding an issue. Our friendship started many years ago when Brother Jackson would regularly attend the Grand Lodge of the State of New York’s Annual Communication. In 2005, RW Thomas W. Jackson was presented the Distinguished Achievement Award of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, the highest honor that can be conferred in our jurisdiction.
Because of his world-wide knowledge of Freemasonry, his opinion was highly sought by many leaders of Freemasonry, especially when dealing with a Grand Lodge’s international affairs. As the long tenured Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Masters, Right Worshipful Thomas W. Jackson would not only be completely conversant about an issue but most likely would have direct personal knowledge about an issue because he was present when the incident actually occurred!

Many times, I found it necessary to telephone Right Worshipful Thomas W. Jackson at his home in Pennsylvania and no matter what he was doing, he always took my call. When he was out of the country, he would always make contact when he returned.
Brother Jackson was completely impersonal when it came to international issues and held no animosity against anyone or any jurisdiction. His only interest was to get to the “Truth” of the matter and to do what is right!
In my opinion, the entire Masonic Community lost one of the most celebrated and influential Masons of this generation. The condition of global Freemasonry is much more improved and robust because he served our great fraternity. His skillful leadership, judgement, and careful considerations will be sorely missed for many years to come.
May the Great Architect of the Universe keep and protect our dear Brother Thomas W. Jackson forever and hold him in the palm of His hand.