Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Guatemala;
Executive Secretary of CMI;
Honorary Grand Master ad vitam, NGLR;
First of all, thank you for the hospitality and the warm attention for our Grand Lodges. Latin America comprises 74 Grand Lodges and we are waiting for five more. The thing is that the communication these days runs directly through technology and the capacity to know and to look around – what are the things that we could have in common, our objectives?
Coming to Romania confirmed to me that the leadership of Romania is going to be one of the best for the World Conference and one of the best for the inter-relations with Latin America. The Masonic Forum is something that we really appreciate, because it is a reference for us, of different kinds of minds – of thinking about different items that really have the opportunity to develop, if we share this kind of information.
Masonic Forum celebrates the 50th issue. When you begin a project, when you set the program, at least you have got to look for what is going to be the vision of the future regarding the different estates that you have. And the Masonic Forum exactly received that kind of thing and built in a structural communication theme that gave that kind of opportunity to understand and to look – what is the way of thinking about the different aspects of Freemasonry.
You are actually giving an example of what we have to do for Masonry. This is an excellent project and I offer you my congratulations and we, from Latin America, are for supporting this kind of excellence. (…)
We have to develop these kinds of things, because there are different problems in each of our countries – and indeed each of our continents – but this is an opportunity for the Grand Masters to develop inter-relations and these inter-relations could help us to work with one objective, because when we work with one objective, we are going to be the builders of the society, not just observers of the society.